Updates to PQS
Yesterday I noticed a new alert on a profile, GJ68-RCX, I was editing.
This alert was previewed in the User Interview.
May I suggest a tweak to the wording?
The PQS currently only recognizes sources from a FamilySearch index. We may have many sources that are not FS-indexed - unindexed FS records, sources from another website, personal records.
Perhaps it would be better to use "Only edit if you have evidence supporting the change."
Thank you for considering.
I think that in using Sources they are trying to build a chain of continuity in wording. If “evidence” were used without referencing Sources, would people be able to mentally link the two?
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The issue is that the PQS does NOT recognize a source unless FamilySearch has indexed it. Using "source" in that alert note may cause people to think they should not add external sources.
"Sources give information; information gives evidence."
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Update: wording has been modified :)
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