Knonau ZH - marriage - 1616 - Urmi & Grob - Felix & Adelheit
Sixth document:
In some BVs Felix is a Widertuffer. I can't find the meaning of the word? Can you help?
BTW I am related to Adelheit Grob via the miller Heinrich Grob b 1605.
Move this to the top.
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1616: Felix Urmj uß der Baregg / Adelheita Grobin zu Knonouw, die 11 Februarij.
See D) Felix Urmi oo 1616 Adelheid Grob: Felix is mentioned several times as Widertüffer = Wiedertäufer = Anabaptist. On the forum post there is a link to documents on his case in the catalogue of the Zürich State Archive … unfortunately nothing online - one would have to pay the archive a visit.
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Your summaries are always excellent, to the point and clear. Thanks, I looked everywhere for the definition of Widertüffer to no avail. Thanks for the definition, He is not listed in the Anabaptists in Knonau 1657. He, most likely, died before then.
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The document at State Archive covers 1640 - 1679: will most likely incude issues with his heirs as well.
Do you have a link to Anabaptists in Knonau?
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Yes here is the link. The year is 1657. The place Knonau.
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Thanks - but this is one of those films which I cannot view. How many pages are there?
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Two, I will email them to you.