Burial Dates Miscalculated When e.g. "after 1 January 1900"
Brad Felmey
When a burial date is given as e.g. a standardized "after 16 September 2024", the quality check is evaluating that as missing a year, and dinging the "Data is Complete" segment score with an error of "The burial date is missing a year".
Perhaps related, when burial date is e.g. "after 1 January 1900", and you have a burial source (Find-a-Grave, BillionGraves, etc.), then it's dinging the "Consistent with Sources" score with an error of 'Joe Blow, "Find a Grave Index" has a date of 1900 for burial, which is different from after 1 January 1900.'
@Brad Felmey thank you for your feedback. I will forward this to the proper group for evaluation :)