Ottenbach ZH - baptism - 1667 - Gneeser - Elsbeth
Kent Gardiner
Eodem [14.04.1667]
Kind: Elßbeth.
Eltern: Melcher Gneeser der Jung allhir / Thrina Mülleri(n).
Zeügen: Jörg Vollenweider vff Aügst (am Albis) / Elßbeth Wÿßin auß dem Wÿl.
Wÿl could the the Wilhof in Affoltern am Albis.
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Wolf: Loved the information on the Forum. der Jung allhir = young man? Thanks.
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der Jung = the younger one of two with the same name (often father and son) - is not necessarily still young (depending how you define young).
allhir = allhier (modern spelling) = here
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