Translation Request
I found a document describing my great-great-great-grandparents' marriage. Unfortunately I can't read handwritten Russian. Can someone help me translate it?
Marriage: Петр Станиславов Цитович (Piotr Citowicz) and Ирина Иосифова Мончей (Irena Mandziej)
30th of May. Groom - the citizen of Kulia (or Kul') village Piotr son of Stanislaw Citowicz, orthodox faith, seconds marriage, 27 years old. Bride - Dudki village citizen Irina daughter of Josef Mandziej (doesn't really say Мончей, it's Мондзей in Russian text), orthodox faith, first marriage, 22 y.o.
Witnesses for the groom: citizens of Kul village Stephan, son of Semion Priemka and Philip son of Wincenty Pietrasziewicz. For the bride: citizen of Dudki village Bartholomew son of Christophor Christa and citizen of Boroviki village Andrzej son of Christophor Trascianka