Rifferswil ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1634 - Urner - families

Knonau ZH - 1634 - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - Urmi - families
Let's see what the 1634 census tells us:
Third document:
Nider Rifferschwil (did Billeter take his Rifferswil from here?)
Felix Urner / Cathrina Näff
Heini 18 (1616), Vrondli 15 (1619), Jacob 13 (1621), Anna 11 (1623), Lienhart 8 (1626), Anndli 6 (1628), Jorg 4 (1630), Josua 1 (1633)
Uli Urner / Cathrina Funk
no children mentioned
Uli Urners S(elig)
Froneg 30 (1604)
Now the last entry is contradicting previous assumptions: if Fronegg's father died before 1634 he cannot live with his second wife in 1637 ! The age (30 in 1634) would fit the birth of Fronegg in 1605 not too badly - but the widowed groom in 1617 must be a different Ulrich. The death entry of Fronegg's father (prior to 1617) would be interesting.
I don't find suitable marriage entries for Felix Urner & Cathrina Näff, nor Uli Urner & Cathrina Funk - but, as mentioned previously, there is a big gap in the Knonau marriage register in the time frame of interest.
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Second thought: Why would Froneg be mentioned in 1634 as daughter of the late Uli (indicating she was on her own) - if she got married in 1629 to Jakob Sidler ??? Are the Froneg von Baregg and Rifferswil two different persons - or did she move prior to 1634 - and move bach again before 1637?
And another question: are you sure this is from the Knonau Bevölkerungsverzeichnis? Rifferswil has their own one! Niderrifferswil is todays Unterrifferswil - not very plausible to be listed in the Knonau BV.
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WSeelentag My mistake, this is Rifferschwil. I found this a few years ago. Rifferschwil comes after Knonau and I thought it was part of Knonau. Sorry. No wonder this makes no sense.
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This is going to be complicated and confusing - different Uli and Felix Urmi in both, Knonau-Baregg and Rifferswil / a Fronegg in Rifferswil, but not (yet) in Knonau. To sort this out I am planning to summarize what we know so far in a new topic in Geneal-Forum - and then focus on the "Urmi problem" before I do more transcriptions on other documents. I will transcribe in due course what has been posted already - but, please, don't add new documents for the time being.
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WSeelentag Yes, sorry, I posted two documents from my research 5 years ago and they were wrong. I will endeavor not to do that again. My apologies. The ones awaiting translation are definitely from Knonau and are relevant.
Another problem that threw me off was Billeter saying the marriage took place in Rifferswil. That was not helpful and set me looking for records there.
I won't post until everything is cleared up. Thanks for all you are doing! KG
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See my summary table on Geneal-Forum. Whilst compiling this I realised again: the Rifferswil families are not named Urmi - but Urner - and this is not a spelling variation, but different families, citizens of Hirzel ZH. You seem to have deleted that document - correct?
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WSeelentag Yes, I deleted those documents that are not related to Vronegg Urmi. I spent quite a bit of time today double checking the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis and put them in order. The place and dates are in bold. They are easier to read now. I also put the maps and Billeter's information at the bottom so the focus is on the documents related to Vronegg Urmi.
Your chart is a piece of art. That must have taken a long time to create!! Thanks for everything!