Knonau ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1637 - Urmi - Baregg
Baregg ZH - 1637 - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis
The village of Baregg appears to be 5 houses. (See map below census.) In the 1637 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis everyone in Baregg is listed on a single page.
Are Vronegg's parents, Uly Urmi and Margaret Zverycher, listed in the 1637 census? FS has nothing on her parents other than their names. Her parents may be listed in her baptism as well.
There is a link to some Urmi family members just before her baptism if that helps.
Second and third documents:
This will not be the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis for Baregg (there will be no separate BV for this hamlet) but just a single page in the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Knonau - but (more important) this is a great help 😉!
32 Ulrich Urmi und Margretha Walderin
Children: Alexander 20 > born about 1617 / Margretha 16½> born about 1621
Wÿters dasälbsten (living there as well):
Jac(ob) Hehren S(elig) vo(n) Cnon(au) gewästen Schnÿders eheliches hinterlasenes Töchterli Lisabethli 7 years 5 weeks.
Living with the family is Lisabethli, born about 1630, daughter of the late Jacob Heer, tailor in Knonau. There is no info on the connection (godparents?) … try to find her baptismal entry (if interested).
Ulrich Urmi and Margretha Walder married in Knonau 12.01.1617. Ulrich then was a widower - which would fit that Margaretha Zürcher is mentioned in 1605 as his wife, mother of Veronica. You could try to find her death entry.
The following entry (33) is about Felix Urmi, the Anabaptist, married Knonau 11.02.1616 Adelheita Grob - they likely converted after this marriage. Nevertheless at least the 3 older children seem to have gotten "proper" religious education.
BTW - will show you Baaregg (modern spelling) SE of Knonau.
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WSeelentag Wow that was a goldmine. Based on this information I have a little more I will post. Thanks for all the work on this one!!!😉