Translation Request - Swedish Abbreviations

Found in the remarks column of household record:
åld. bev. upv. 1812
What does it mean?
Could you please provide a link to the record or a reference (parish, year, page)?
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Thank you.
Sventorp (R) AI:3 (1807-1813) Image 68 / Page 123 (AID: v26038.b68.s123, NAD: SE/GLA/13522)
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"Sweden, Skaraborg Church Records, 1612-1921; index 1625-1860," images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Sventorps församling > A I Husförhörslängder > 3, 1807-1813. Häri även husförhörslängd för Suntetorp, s.å. > image 73 of 102; Landsarkivet, Göteborg (Sweden Regional Archives, Göteborg).
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My guess would be åld[ers] bev[is] upv[isad] = proof of age shown, but I have no idea what the reason is for this remark.
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It is a minor puzzle. Thank you for your time and generosity.