Error when try to add "marriage registration" information from a record hint
"Something went wrong. Try again later" error when I try to Attach and Add Marriage Registration information.
This error occurred on every single Marriage Registration record hint I tried today. See below for example.
If I don't "Add" the marriage registration, I can click attach without an error.
I'm wondering if the Source Linker is deciding that there is a duplicate and that's caused the "Something went wrong…" message. (I did just try to find an equivalent thing to test but my missing marriages don't seem to trigger the error.)
Anyway - the thing is that in England & Wales, from 1837 until a couple of years ago, the Marriage Registration was an integral part of the Marriage Ceremony - it's physically impossible for them to be a different event and the Marriage Ceremony implies the Registration.
In your example, there is therefore no need to attach the Marriage Registration because you've already got the Marriage. In fact, we spent some time requesting the Source Linker guys (or whoever) not to have a Marriage Registration event because of its total irrelevance. I believe that we succeeded… Maybe some odd combination of data remains to trip that message…