New Portrait: Trying to get Tree from ancestor, get 'Oops, something happened'

When I open up my tree back to, say, great-grandfather or great-uncle, then click on him to get person pane at right, then click on 'Tree' to reposition the tree, I get blank page 'Oops, something happened, please refresh', but refresh just brings up the same error. This happens with any ancestor. I cannot find a workaround so this pretty much shuts down getting trees from ancestor, kind of a major problem.
I followed your steps using Chrome. When I clicked on "Tree", it closed the person page on the right, and took me back to my Person Card which is what it is supposed to do.
Which browser are you using? Have you tried clearing your cookies/cache? Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.
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When you want to a NEW PORTRAIT you need to go back to the new person like your GrandFather's Person Page.
Once there, you need to view that person's "View Tree"
Then select the Portrait/Landscape/Fan Chart/ ++
Each Person View has their own chart access from their Person Page
If you get lost, you can always go back to your main page, click on "Resents"
Overview, Tree, "Resents", Find, Following. Private People, My Contributions, Family Groups
Hope that helps