Ottenbach ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1708 - Sidler - Hans: death date
Ottenbach ZH - 1708 - death - date - Bevölkerungsverzeichniss - Sidler - Hans
Eighth document:
Billeter has no burial date for Hans. Ancestry doesn't either. He is listed in the 1708 Bevölkerungsverzeichniss. There is a word to the far right of his name. Does the word tell us if he is alive in 1708?
The Bevölkerungsverzeichnis lists living members of families in the parish - so someone listed himself (not e.g. as former husband of a widowed wife) will be alive when the list was compiled (the exact year has to be taken with a bit of caution).
The word on the right is Testament: same word for the parts of the bible and a person's will. What does this suggest?? This is the only occasion on the page: could you check neighbouring pages whether this is the rare exception - or can be found occasionally?
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40.a. (parents)
1641 Hanß Sydler Kirchmeÿer vnd (.... Testament)
1644 Catharina Huber
(40)b. (son and family)
1667 Jacob Sÿdler vnd
1673 Barbara Berli
… Kinder
… 1697 Melchior
… 1698 Caspar
… 1700 Margaretha
… 1704 Hanß Jacob
… 1706 Rudolff
… 1707 Barbara
(40)c. (son and family)
1674 Heinrich Sÿdler vnd
1682 Elisabetha Frikin
… Kinder
… 1702 Barbara
… 1705 Hanß Rudolff
… 1706 Elisabetha
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WSeelentag Thanks for all the work. Doesn't the word Testament refer to: Testi.>>> Testimoniae Scripturaer Sacrae (The testimony of the Holy Scriptures)? If so I don't know why only a couple of these saints would qualify for this reference?
I don't see a lot of these side comments. I posted two pages for reference. Let me know what you think?
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Doesn't the word Testament refer to: Testi.
I considered that - but don't think so: why should this apply to just this one person on the entire page?
Did you check neighbouring pages whether this is the extremely rare exception - or can be found at least occasionally?
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Yes I did. Go to this page and look at the third and fourth documents from the bottom. This will give you an idea of how this Pastor thought.
Most pages have no side notes, others have one or two. I did find one more Testamant and a few other entries which you can view:
I can upload more if you like.
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These are not consecutive pages - so I assume the intermediate pages had no such notes - correct?
Notes are "Eine Bibel" (a bible) or "Eine Bibel und andere Bücher" (a bible and other books) or even "Ein Testament": this makes it clear that the pastor noted which books were available in the household - just none in most cases.
Conclusion: Hans was alive in 1708.
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I posted five consecutive pages:
Last five documents: