Knonau ZH - baptism - 1615 - Frey - Veronica
Second document:
Kind / Eltern / Götte / Gotte / Tag / Monat
child / parents / godfather / godmother / day / month
Fronegk ein eh(liches) Kind (Veronika or Verena)
Lienhardt Freÿ, Anna Fosterin, zu Knonauw (Lienhard Frei and Anna Forster got married 13.12.1612 in Knonau: spelling "Foster" mentioned)
Heinrich Hegetschwiller (Hegetschweiler) zu Kn(onauw)
Fronegk Hoffstetterin (Hofstetter) zu Knonauw
11 Junij [1615]
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It is amazing to me how many abbreviations the Pastors used. I like how you show the abbreviation and then finish the words in parenthesis. That makes it clear what the Pastor wrote and what the intended meaning is. Few people can do what you do.
I have one little question. On the Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse for Rudolf aka Rudi, his son Hans Sidler is listed under Rudolf, born 1641. What is the word before Hans? Klein? meaning small?
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What is the word before Hans? Klein? meaning small?
Correct - small more in the sense of younger: Kleinhans is not an "official" name, but used in the family (or even the community) to differentiate him from another, older Hans - here most likely his grandfather.
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Thanks, I have noticed that occasionally a little descriptive word is put in before a person's name. This is a good example. I wondered if it referred to his father, however grandfather makes a lot more sense. 😄