Translation request

Hi! I am looking for help translating a Lithuanian birth record from Russian to English.
This is the link:
- no. 58 [image 35, top L of page] Gudelių RKB gimimo metrikų knyga, 1900-1908 at
some more background for this request:
The record I am looking to get translated is a baptism record for Stasys (Stanislaw) Zabarauskas [or variation of his name]. His daughter was a close DNA match to my uncle, so possibly a first cousin once removed or a half first cousin to him (and one generation more for me). This surname is not one anyone in the family recognized. I do have a great grandmother that nobody knows anything about, so we think it is possible her relatives are the link between Stasys and my family. Unfortunately, his daughter knows nothing more about his family, other than he was born out of wedlock and raised by a grandmother. His parents were part of the underground Russian revolution, and had to escape from the country shortly after his birth. I found his U.S naturalization record which led me to his hometown in Lithuania, and his baptism record. I also found his marriage record, which matches the info his daughter knew about him. But now I am stuck, as I can't decipher this record (I am finding the paragraph format harder to read and pull relevant data from than the column format of the other records I'm searching, as I am still new to reading Russian.) Thanks again for any help!!
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Kidziuliški manor, Stanislaw Zabarowski
Gudele, 24th of May/6th of June 1902 6 PM
Georgi Ceglewski, 26, land owner living in Badynevo village arrived in person and in presence of Matas? Nosulewski? 40 years old and Antonius Saduk? 26 .. .. of big forests, presented a male child and announced that he was born in Kidziuliški manor yesterday at 6 AM by Helena Zabarowska unmarried daughter of forester of the big forests (not sure if this is a name of surrounding forests or a description) living in Kidziuliški manor. The child baptized today was given the name Stanislaw. Godparents were Georgi Ceglewski and Marianna Ceglewska. This act was read and and signed only by the priest since none of the present are literate.The name of the forester, the mother's father isn't mentioned in the record.
If I googled correctly, Lithuanian name of the child would be Stanislovas Zabarauskas, mother Helena Zabarauskaite (since she has her father's last name, if someone married Zabarauskas apparently they would be Zabarauskiene)
1928 comment to the record is in Lithuanian, don't know what it was, but most likely that someone mentioned in the document has asked for an official copy of the record.
Badynevo village according to old maps was somewhere here but seems to be gone after the WW2. Not sure where the manor is or was, again by old maps I would assume the houses in the forest southwest of Badynevo, but I don't see what is there now anywhere other than the satellite images.
Searching for Бадынево or Кидзюлишки produces only a few pages listing the settlements in Suwalki gubernia, Marijampole uezd where it says that both were a part of Balbieriškis gmina, but no further details. I'm afraid the translation won't get you much further at least not right away.1 -
I was told that the 1928 comment is about a marriage and after poking around a bit in google translate I think it says "Jis 1928 geguzes mėn iz Vytauto bažnyčią te Kaune yra susituokes su Mlevičiūtė Julijona zins dokumento 1928 m geg 18 d #356" i.e. "He is married to Mlevičiūtė Julijona from the Vytautas Church in Kaunas in May 1928 according to the document dated May 18, 1928 #356". You may want to show it to someone actually speaking Lithuanian to confirm though.
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Someone who speaks Lithuanian corrected the 1928 text for me, I was almost on point, the only notable difference is that there is an exact date of marriage given, it was 12th of May.
"Jis 1928 gegužės mėn. 12 d. Vytauto bažnyčioje Kaune yra susitokęs su Mlevičiūtė Julijona. Žiūr. (žiūrėti) dokumento 1928 m geg.(gegužės) 18 d.(diena) Nr.356 Kaune."
Do any of the names in birth record shed any light on who the father may have been? There also may be quite a lot info about the organizers of the revolution, especially the 1905 one that I believe you are referring to but you'd need at least a last name to look up
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I did get the Lithuanian part deciphered earlier: "On 18th of may, 1928, he married Julijona Ulevičiūtė in Kaunas, Vytautas church. Record is in a book in Kaunas, 18th of may, 1928, record No.356." The marriage info was also noted on his wife's birth record.
So far none of the names help. I may have to see if I have any DNA relationships to any of the names listed in the record. As the mother was a member of the underground Russian revolution, and possibly the father too, I may not be able to find any more on them, especially if they changed their names to escape after they were discovered. I don't know when they were discovered in relation to when Stasys was born. I will have to look into the 1905 revolution you mentioned.
I found the marriage record, but Stanislovas only listed his mother's name in the parents section.