Translation request: Swedish probate paragraph for Martta Olofsdotter 9JBR-F1B
I found the probate for my Martta (?) Olofsdotter in Stenstorp, Rannelanda, Alvsborg, Sweden. It is in Valbo Harad, page 525 in 1780,image 272 in Digital Archives. I would like the first paragraph translated that describes relationships, etc. She was a widow at the time. I see her brother, Olof Johnsson in Plogsterud (Jerbo Parish). What does vs? before Olof Nilsson and his wife Kjerstin Jönsdotter in Stentorp, ____________________ Sven Andersson ____ in Stentorp, ________ sister? ___________ Sven Andersson __________________________
I'm trying to figure out the children's fathers.
It isn't necessary to translate the inventory! Thank you so much! Joellen
Meilleure réponse
I don't have access to ArkivDigital, but I found the record under memories for Martta Olofsdotter.
År 1780, d 14 Jin Infinno sig undertecknade efter anmodan, at hålla laga upteckning och werdering på efterlefnade ägendom efter afledna Enkan Martta Olofsdotter i Stentorp, och Rännelanda Socken som sedermera dellas uti en broder lutt och twå Syster lutter: alla arfwingarna närwarande och myndiga, som är broderen Olof Johnßon i Plogstarud, och Olof Nillßon och des hustru Kjerstin Jonsdotter i Stentorp, samt Syster barnen Swen Andersson och Jonas Andersson i Skälsätter, och Inggiärd Andersdotter i Rösätter; och Egendomen företogs som följer ___
In the year 1780, on the 14th of J___?, the undersigned appeared by request to keep a legal record and valuation of the estate of the deceased widow Martta Olofsdotter in Stentorp, and Rännelanda Parish, which is later divided into a brother's lot and two sisters' lots: all the heirs present and of age, who are the brother Olof Johnsson in Plogstarud, and Olof Nilsson and his wife Kjerstin Jonsdotter in Stentorp, and the sisters' children Sven Andersson and Jonas Andersson in Skälsäter, and Inggiärd Andersdotter in Rösäter; and the property was taken up as follows ___
Thanks so much! That was a hard one!