Translation request Norwegian birth record gender in doubt

The birth record for Inge Aaserud Pedersen, LHFX-YXV, at is in the male section, although as far as I know, Inge/a is a female name. Two questions:
- Is this in fact a male?
- What is the note in the far left about, has something to do with the given name I think?
According to the Nordic Names website (
), Inge can be either a male or a female name. This same record is indexed in the Norwegian archives as a male named Inge Aaserud. See here: .The note in the remarks column says "Den 3/6 1952 unddelt tillatelse til å auta navnet Åserud som slektsnavn = the 3rd June 1952 undivided permission to use the name Åserud as a family name". (Note that "Aa = Å". I am not sure why that needed to be put in the remarks - I think it was pretty well known throughout Scandinavia that they are the same letter, or at least are interchangeable.)
This is the same Inge Åserud Petersen's marriage record:
and he is definitely a bridegroom, not a bride. You can click on the "See Scanned Version" link under "Person: Inge Åserud Pedersen" to see the original record.0 -
Regarding the first name, I'm pretty sure that Inge would always be male and Inga would be female. This is the same pattern as Helge (male) / Helga (female).
Regarding that note in the last column regarding Inge's last name, note that in both the birth record and marriage record, his first name is "Inge Aaserud" and his last name is "Petersen." The note must mean that in 1952 he dropped Pedersen as his last name, dropped Aaserud as the second half of his first name, and adopted Aaserud, using the modern spelling of Åserud, as his last name. This means that if you are searching for a death record, a gravestone, or any other records about him after 1952, do not look for Pedersen. Instead look for Åserud.
Like this:
and this:0 -
To document this information about the name, you should put in an alternate name for Inge under Other Information of First Name: Inge, Last Name: Åserud tagged with his birth record that has the note and with a reason statement that this was a legal name change.
Do you know if he had any children? Did they all change their surnames in 1952?