Looking for Surname Origin of Hraniczky
I have an ancestor named Barbara Hraniczky (b. about 1755, d. after 1801), who was married to my ancestor Simon Buron (b. 1758, d. after 1801) and they were married in Krmelin, Czech Republic on November 18, 1781. I am wondering what the origin of the Hraniczky surname is? - I believe it may be of Slovakian origin. I have read that it may be possible to locate the area in Slovakia where a family resides, based on the surname. Can anyone help me with this approach? Perhaps it can help me locate where to start searching for records/relationships, etc.
Hraničky is a village in Northern Moravia in today's Czechia. That may be where your ancestors originated.
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Hraničky (German name: Grenzdorf, Grenzdörfel or Gränzdorf), founded in 1785, is an abandoned village in the former Sudetenland in NE Moravia, Czechia. It was exclusively settled by ethnic German farmers, who came to the area from the Northern Moravian districts Králíky and Staré Město. My ancestor Barbara Hraniczky, was born around 1755 or so. So if Barb was around before the town was even founded, then perhaps her name/original town had to be somewhere else, correct? I think this suggests an area where the Hraniczky surname was prevalent in the 1750's or so. This could easily be in Slovakia, not just Moravia, Austrian Silesia, etc.
Your thoughts?
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"Hranický" is a surname found in Northern Moravia (see https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Hranick%C3%BD/hustota/).).
It is unlikely to be related to the abandoned village of Hraničky, it is probably derived from the Czech word "hranice" (border). Alternatively, it may derive from the name of the town of Hranice, which is also located in Northern Moravia (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hranice_(P%C5%99erov_District)).
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Nejčastěji se vyskytuje toto příjmení na Slovensku a v Maďarsku.