Translation Greek or Armenian

I am looking for a birth record of Angelia Ajapiou or Nee-Ajapiou or Agapiou. I have her Petition for Naturalization and it says she was born in Athens, Greece on April 21, 1930. The familysearch library in Salt Lake City has some microfilms with births that cover 1930 from Armenian Apostolic Church, Athens, Greece. I am trying to look through this microfilm and find dates that match her given birth date(April 21, 1930.). I don't know if it is in Greek or Armenian or what. I took screenshots of some of the dates where I could read 1930. I can't tell which month is April. Can anyone translate some headings and dates of this record so I know if the "1930" I see are birth years? What months? If I knew what the headings say I could see if I am on the right track. I'm looking for births. Which column would tell the name of the child? First name? last name? etc. Any help to point me in the right direction would be helpful. Thank you. I will post the screenshots soon after I submit them to the "work around." Thank you!
Hi Cynth R
I'm pretty sure these are written in Armenian. Have you tried to upload them in any of the Armenian groups? If we know what is written, maybe we could compare this with any Greek records.
Have a nice evening