Translation Request for Danish death record for Hans Erichsen in Stokkemarke Parish
I found a death record for Hans Erichsen, 2757-3YV, in Stokkemarke Parish. He was born in 1744. The age on the death record is 34 in 1778, so it would appear to be him. However, there are children attached to Hans Erichsen as late as 1783! This appears to have more than the usual amount of information on this record. I would appreciate having the record translated to see if it will help identify the correct Hans Erichsen who lived on the farm of Stokkemarke in Stokkemarke Parish. His wife's name isn't listed on the children's baptism records, so it makes it difficult to know if I have the correct Hans Erichsen! Thanks so much!
Meilleures réponses
I believe the 1783 christening date for Elisabeth is incorrect. There is an Elisabeth born to Hans Erichsen in Stockemarke who was christened on Dom. 10 p. Trinit. (15 August) 1773 but there is not any record for that in 1783. I would think that 1783 was a typo. That christening record is here (right-hand page, second from bottom entry):
.The FHL staff and I translated it as best we could. There are two words we could not get but we have enough to understand the story.
Hans Erichsen in Stockemark, aged 34, a good and capable carpenter who will be missed by many in the country, when on 16 February in the evening at 11 o'clock he had it in his mind to drive to the forest with his farmhand and farm girl out into the forest copse at Tjenemarke By på Bondesgårds Ground, to cut some spare wood and other necessities, and he, along with the farmhand, carried the [illegible] piece out of the forest copse on their [illegible] his foot slipped on the [illegible], over which they both fell with the tree, but since Hans Erichsen himself carried the north end, it hit his head right in the fall and crushed his temple so that he was left dead on the ground and then immediately driven home.
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Skifteforretning efter afgangne Huusmand Hans Erichsen i Stockemarke. 10. August 1778.
Afdøde tømmermand Hans Erichsen. [Tømmermand = "Timberman"]
Peder Hansen, 7 years.
Hans Hansen, 1/4 years.
Elisabeth Hansdatter, 5 years.
Anna Hansdatter, 3 years.
Laugværge: Hendes [unclear if "hendes" is the widow's] brother Rasmus Andersen, huusmand i Stockemarke.
Værge for the children Peder Hansen and Anna Hansdatter: Hendes [unclear if "hers" is the widows] brother Anders Andersen.
Værge for the child Hans Hansen: ["Her" brother] Søren Andersen.
Værge for the child Elisabeth Hansdatter: The children's fathers-father: Tømmermand Erich Hansen!!!
Source (page 130, left):,86770795NB: The men Rasmus Andersen, Anders Andersen and Søren Andersen seems to be the brothers of Hans Erichsen's mother Margrethe Andersdatter, see here below!
Skifteforretning efter afgangne Magrethe Andersdatter, Gaardmand Erich Hansens hustru i Stockemarke.
11. August 1778. Widower Tømmermand Erich Hansen i Stockemarke.
Their children:
Son Hans Erichsen, who is dead → His children: Peder Hansen, 7 years. Hans Hansen, 1/4 years. Elisabeth Hansdatter, 5 years. Anna Hansdatter, 3 years. [same children as above]
Son: Anders Erichsen, 31 years old.
Son: Hans Jørgen Erichsen, 25 years old.Værge for the children: Their mothers brothers, Andreas/Anders Andersen, gaardmand i Stockemarke & Søren Andersen.
Source (page 136, right):,86770801So tømmermand Erich Hansen and Magrethe Andersdatter are the parents of husmand+tømmermand Hans Erichsen, who died in the tree accident.
It is unclear to me, who the wife of Hans Erichsen is……Conclusion: The Erik Hansen from matrikel 73a in Stokkemarke is the father of "our" Hans Erichsen!!
HF (=Husfæster) Erich Hansen 1713-1783.
Wife NN 1713-1778 → We know now it was Magrethe Andersdatter!
Anders 1747.
Hans Jørgen 1757.
We can now also list Hans Erichsen 1744-1778.
A second wife to Erich Hansen is listed as Ellen Jacobsdatter 1713-1778 → must be wrong years copied by mistake from Margrethe Andersdatter.
From 1778 to his death in 1783 Erich Hansen could have remarried with Ellen Jacobsdatter.
Source (page 320):
Erich Hansen also had fæste at matrikel 58A until 1775 when it is taken over by the son Anders Erichsen 1747-1829. Here we see Anders Erichsen's wife and children listet.
Source (page 289):
Thank you, Norm, and to all the help at the FHL! This is so helpful!
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Hi Joellen.
The counts of Knuthenborg has some of the best researched and compiled information which are readily available on the net. This following pdf file describes all who lived on the different farms and houses on the their lands.
Grevskabet Knuthenborgs gårde og huse - Stokkemarke sogn from 1750.Vindfældegaard - now adress Kældernæsvej 23. Matrikel (cadastre) Stokkemarke 12a.
Originally before the split-up of the old farm village the farm had the address of Vestre Landevej 165-181.
GF = Gårdfæste (after 1750): We find a Hans Eriksen Kaae 1744-1778 with a No Name wife 1714-1760.
Source (page 191): farm apparently changed fæste in 1773 (- to Erik Hansen who also had matrikel 73a in Stokkemarke).
As Hans Erichsen as his death is described as a carpenter, maybe he gave up the fæste in 1773 and rented a house to work as a carpenter?!As marriages usually took place in the wife's parish it is necessary to figure out that parish before we can get a mention of her name!
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It is clear that a misunderstanding (or misprinting) occurring in the Knuthenborg document.
The "No name wife 1714-1760" can't be the wife → Hans Erichsen couldn't have gotten a fæste at 16 years old and neither be married that young. Could it be his mother?
So here is a Knuthenborg skifte (probate) from 1. March 1760:
"Skifte efter Gaardmand Erik Hansen O?es [i Blands] afgangne Huustrue Salig Ellen Jensdatter."
..they have a son 12 years old called Hans Erichsen! [fits with "our" Hans Erichsen being born 1744].
From a former marriage of Erik Hansen we have the children Peder Hansen 26 years old living in Bandholm and Jens Hansen, 16 years old.
Source (page 124, right):,86769255
PS: Blands/Blans is within Stokkemarke Sogn.
The Erik Hansen who takes over the fæste of matriel 12a (and who also had fæste at matrikel 73a), doesn't appear to the be father of our Hans Erichsen (page 191 in the Knuthenborg pdf)This Erik Hansen lives from 1713-1783 and no Peder, Jens or Hans appears as children in this list.
Source (page 320):