Langnau am Albis ZH - baptism - 1792 - Huber - Margaretha

Kent Gardiner
Langunau am Albis ZH - baptism - 1792 - Margaretha Huber
First document:
# den 2. 7brs (September)1792: Margaretha get(auft) zu Hausen
# Jacob Huber, ab Kniebrechen, dermalen zu Husen / Barbara Huber
Hans Rudolf Näf zu Hausen / Margaretha Sauter Knÿebrechen
Kniebreche belongs to Langnau - but at the time (dermalen) the family lived in Hausen, and Margaretha was baptised there.
Usually symbols like # are used to point to an additional note - doesn't seem to the case here. It is the only occurrence on this page - and it is the only baptism marked as having taken place somewhere else - the # should possibly just enhance this fact.
Note: correct spelling Langnau - not Lagunau.
2 -
Very nice. Thanks for clarification on where Margaretha was baptized. Also thanks for the spelling correction.