Swedish translation of Probate in Torna Malmohus for Hans Lindqvist
I found the probate of my ancestor, Hans Lindqvist (2S4K-5T8). In 1790. He lived in Lilla Bjällerup in Bjällerup parish at the time of his death. His wife was Ingar Lassessdotter. Would you translate the rest of this document that lists his death date and information about the children and anything else that would be important? I have been unable to find his death record. Would you have a suggestion of where to look for that? I have tried looking in Bjällerup parish from 1790.
Thanks for your help!
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@Taylor, Nathan Collin
I apologize but I put in the 1791 muster roll twice. This is the link for the 1788 muster roll: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/A0028984_00378#?c=&m=&s=&cv=377&xywh=-441%2C585%2C3972%2C2511
I cannot transcribe and translate the entire probate, but I can tell you what it says.
On 15 November 1790, an estate inventory was held for ryttaren Hans Lindquist in Lilla Biellerup who died "during the war (under kriget)". His widow is Ingar Lassesdotter. His children, 3 sons and 3 daughters, are all underage. They are named and their ages are given as: (sons) Lars 17 years old, Lasse 15 years old, Nils 12 years old, (daughters) Elna 19 years old, Gunilla 8 years old, and Hanna 6 years old. Some of the rest I can read (some I cannot) but I think the information above is the important genealogical information in the probate.
Now for his death-I believe it is not in the parish records because he died in the war. From 1788 to 1790, Sweden was at war with Russia. You can check out Hans Högman's website for that information here:
.Checking the Centrala Soldatregistret I was able to get the information needed to access the correct military records for him. Hopefully this link will work so you can see that record here: https://soldat.elektronikhuset.it/soldatregister/dbrecord.en.aspx?id=259349 .
Checking the 1788 Muster rolls, Hans is here (#69):
.In the 1791 Muster rolls, his death date is given (#69):
. He died 29 September 1790 but no place is given - possibly in Finland but the record doesn't say that. Since the war was concluded on 14 August 1790, he may have died in Sweden. I can't read the record after the death date, but I will be at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City next Wednesday and will try to find someone who can help with that.1