Wetzikon ZH - baptism - 1811 - Jenta - Anna Lisabeth

Kent Gardiner
Second document:
1811 d(en) 3. Febr.: Anna Lisabeth
H(an)s Rudolf Jenta v(on) Etenhausen / Lisabeth Freÿ v(on) Bir(r) Kantons Aargäu
Johannes Bebi(e) v(on) Wez(i)k(on) / Anna Sto(c)ker v(on) Wädensweil
According to Familiennamenbuch the first Stocker received citizenship of Wädenswil in 1813, immigrants from Germany: they must have lived there before, so this is likely the godmother's family.
BTW - I have linked to this page on Geneal-Forum.
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Sometimes I look at a document and think. "I can translate a lot of those words." Then when you translate the entry I say to myself, "No, I can't even begin to do this entry justice. Leave it to the professionals!" Just the abbreviations alone make it difficult.
Thanks for all you do!