Using keyboard to scan to FamilySearch from FSC Printer
It is my understanding now that a keyboard can be connected to the printer. If the printer has the option to sign into FamilySearch with the keyboard to send scan items to a person's tree. My question is — where in FamilySearch does the scan item go to?
Yes, using a keyboard with the Lexmark Printer is a wonderful improvement. The scanned item will go to your gallery. Click on Memories in the topmost menu, then select gallery.
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Also, be sure to plug the keyboard into the REAR USB port, not the front port. The front port is for USB thumb drives which allows the scanner to save documents and photos to a USB thumb drive, and the keyboard will not work in the front USB port. Also be aware that despite only being a black and white printer, the scanner is both color and black & white.
As Jaelene Starr said, the keyboard is a FAR better option than using the error-prone touch pad on the printer. All you need to do is use the touchpad for completing items, not for typing in your log-in credentials, etc.
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When we had the Lexmark 611 printer, we also had to use an external keyboard (plugged into the back of the printer) to put in the username and password for Scan to FamilySearch. We now have a Lexmark MX632 printer and can use the touchpad on the printer without problem; no external keyboard needed. So I suppose it depends on what model printer you have.
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The 611 model you could also enter user name and password, but it was very slow and cumbersome to do so. the purpose of the keyboard was to speed things up and make it easier.