Finding more on parents of Albert Louis Pak/Pakh
Anyone interested in helping me search for the parents of Albert Louis Paakh? (He spelled name Paakh once in U.S.)
Albert Louis Joseph Paakh/Pakh/Pak 30 Aug 1856 (born in Miskolc) - 8 March 1944 (died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Father: Josef Pakh; Mother: Elizabeth Graf
He was married to Ilona Konecsny (born in Kolsice, 1869-1932). Father: Ferencz KONECSNY, born in Studenitz, Moravia/Brno, Czechia; Mother Mária or Amalia KURT born in Tokaj (parents Mihaly Kurth and Eliz Kiss).
His parents were Joseph Pakh (trying to find out if this is the son of Mihaly Pakh?) and Elizabeth Graf. I think Albert's siblings were:
Rosalia Julia 1858
Gustav/Augustinus 1860
Vilhemina 1862
Joseph 1864
Joseph 1866
Any documentation on his parents? Joseph Pakh/Eliz Graf?
Many thanks.
According to his marriage record in St. Ann's parish in Miskolcz, Joseph Pak was born in Dobsina, Gömör around 1831:
I couldn't find his baptism in the Dobsina RC records:
The marriage record indicates that Elizabeth Graf was born in Lanycsok, Baranya around 1834. I found two Erzsebet Graffs in the Lanycsok RC records, one born in 1831 and one born in 1835:
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Do you have this one, @CLAIREMCCARTY?
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Aine: I do, thanks. I know most everything about Albert Louis Paakh once he was in Philadelphia. It's the connection to Hungary where I draw a blank. claire
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Christopher: Thanks so much. Can you make out the exact date of the marriage? August ??
Joseph, 25 years old; Elizabeth 22?
It's so exciting to see this.
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Can someone interpret the info on Elizabeth Graf, 26 June, for me? I think this would be the correct record.
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The marriage date is 4 Aug 1856. Joseph is age 25, Elizabeth 22.
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Her parents are Hilarius Graff and Erzebet Muntenpirger. The date is 26 Jun 1835.
The only other record for these parents that I could find gives mother's name as Untenperger.
The marriage record and Elizabeth Graff's baptism are in the Mindszent parish records, NOT St. Anna's parish.
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Thanks again. So that last link would be Elizabeth's sister, Margith?
So Joseph Pak and Eliz Graf married 4 Aug 1856. My great grandfather Albert Pak was born 30 Aug 1856. So I guess it's possible they married right before he was born?
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Trying to determine if my Joseph Pakh is the son of Mihaly Pakh.
Mihaly was born 18 Oct 1795 in Dobsina, was a well known Protestant Minister (but my Joseph was Catholic), had a son Joseph (wondering if this is mine?) who married an Eliz Graf…. and a famous son named Dr. Albert Fredericus Pakh.
Do you think they are of the same family?
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Here's a family tree; you could try contacting the author:
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4552321 145/671 (Miskolc RC)
111. born 30 August, baptized 1 Septemb.
Child: Albert Ludovicus Josephus, male, legitimate
Parents: Josephus Pák, RC, Elisabetha Graf, RC, cabinetmaker
Residence: Miskolcz house-number 1862
Godparents: Albert Szontag, Julianna Dubraviczky
8117112 274/528 (Miskolc RC)
35. 4 August.
Groom: Josephus Pak, cabinetmaker, birthplace Dobsina, Gömör county, residence Miskolcz, RC, age 25 years, single.
Bride: Elisabetha Graf, maiden, birthplace Lancsok, Baranya county, residence Miskolcz, RC, age 22 years, single.
Witnesses Carolus Masd??, Paulus Rajczi(?), cabinetmaker.
3 announcements.
4658554 220/702 (Lancsuk/Lánycsók RC)
1835 26th (June) 10 a.m.
Parents: Hilarius Graff Catholic, Erzsébeth Muntenperger, Roman Catholic
Godparents: Vendelin Linder farmer and his wife Margith HonekPossibly Joseph's baptism (Dobsina Lutheran):
125. Josephus
Parents: Josephus Pack and Rosina Schablik
Godparents: Joannes Breyer and Amalia Szoyka
4 Nov.I don't think the 1795 Michael Pack is the right family; his son Joseph was baptized in Rozsnyó three years before "your" Joseph's approximate birthdate in Dobsina.
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Thank you all!
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Hi everyone: How likely would it be that Joseph Pak/Pack/Pakh would be born Lutheran but married as Catholic?
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Any record of his death? I know he died before 1904 but don't have a specific date or any knowledge of when his death occurred.