Wetzikon ZH - death - 1796 - Jenta - Johannes

Kent Gardiner
Wetzikon ZH 1796 - burial - Johannes Jenta - 4 Oct
Second document:
The first two columns are running numbers for males and females.
[1796] Oct. 4 - Johannes
Rud(olf) Jentas v(on) Etenhausen ehl(ich) geb(orenes) Söhnl(ein)
- (years) 7 (months) 6 (days) Po(c)k(en) = smallpox
"ehlich geboren" = legitimate
2 -
I wondered what the numbers on the side meant. Makes sense now.
Small pox was a terrible way to go. The page describes a lot of smallpox and dysentery .Thanks Wolf!!!!! KG