Swedish Translation of Burial Record in Brandstad Parish 1737, Oluf Nilsson
I'm looking for the burial record for Oluf Nilsson (27F6-B5X) who was buried 23 October 1737. His father is Nils Jönsson. Does this record say the names are Par and Olof? Is his (their) age given? Is there anything else you can translate on this record? This is on page 98 in the burial records for 1737.
Thank you so much for your help!
Mots clés:
I read:
d 23 Oct begrofs et? litet Barn __ Per, som blef af sin Fader Nils Jonson samma? döpt, ok strax derpå dödt efter den naturl födelsen.
on 23 Oct a small child was buried __ Per, who was baptized by his father Nils Jonson the same day(?), and soon after died after the natural birth.
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Thank you!