Bäretswil ZH - Haushaltungsrodel - 1700 - Wild & Bosshard - accidental find: Heinrich Stössel
1700 Church Records for the family of Hans Heinrich Wild, film 008014131 page 701
Third document:
The ages of the children appear to be accurate.
The entry above the red square may be Hans Heinrich Wild's father. Rudolf Wild b 1630-1713 (His wife is Barbara Guyer b 1635, no death date known.)
Column headers: Eltaren [parents] / Kinder [children] / Alter [age] / Religion [religious education] / not sure about the last one: from other such registers I am used to Dienst. [servants] - but the beginning of the word (or abbreviation) does not really look like a "D".
Heinrich Wild / Barbara Boßhartin
Rägula - 5-jährig / Heinrich - 3-jährig / Verena - den 1, April getaufft
We then have just prior to this entry
Rudolff Wild, Elter [senior], vid: [widower?] Vorsinger [same in English?]
and below
Rudolff Wild, der Jünger [junior] / Susanne Yslerin [Isler - married 10.07.1687 - and children]
It could well be that the widower Rudolf Wild sen. lived in the same household with his sons Rudolf jun. and Heinrich.
On the other hand - the second entry on this page lists the widow(?) Rägula Yslerin in der Hetteren [which I cannot locate] with a son Heinrich, aged 30. Comparing all these names makes we wonder if there are additional connections. However, EDB doesn't list a marriage Regula Isler with a Wild.
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Also "interesting" is the first entry on this page:
Heinrich Stösel, vid: ein liederlicher Mensch, ist in Savoischen Kriegs-Diensten; wegen angriffen und diebstählen, sich fortgemacht; 30 jährig.
Heinrich Stösel, a dissolute man, is in Savoy war service, has gone away because of attacks and thefts.
There is no mention where the 4 year old son Jacob lives - and what happened to his mother. EDB lists only a single potential marriage of his parents: on 10.06.1694 Heinrich Stössel from Bäretswil and Regula Rüegg from neighbouring Adetswil get married.
In case you get bored some time, you may want to check the marriage entry (10.06.1694 in Bäretswil), the baptism of Jacob (1695/96) … and whether his mother (Regula Rüegg?) has died prior to 1700. i.e. whether the "vid:" actually stands for widower.
I have posted this accidental find to https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=34023.
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I believe the entry before is the father of Hans Heinrich Wild or Catharina Wild's grandfather. The entry after is the brother of Hans Heinrich b 1661.
Thanks for the challenge question. I will give it some thought.
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WSeelentag Hi, I had a little time for your accidental find. I found four burial entries for Regula Rüegg before 1700 however 3 appear to be from Baretswil and not Adetswil. The last one is a three letter community.
Heinrich Stössel KNV7-CS1.
Here is what I found:
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Thank you very much for your effort, Kent ! So now we have:
06.10.1695 baptised Hannß Jacob, son of Heinrich Stößel and Rägula Rüegerin: fits aged 4 in 1700 and confirm's the (assumed) mother's name.
10.06.1694 marriage of Heinrich Stößel von Bäretschwÿl and Rägeli Rüegg von Adetschwÿl is consequently the correct marriage entry.
08.01.1697 baptised Verena, their second child.
Now for the husband/father:
15.06.1673 baptised Hannß Heinrich, son of Heinrich Stößel and Magdalena Werndlin (parents got married 15.09.1657): doesn't quite fit aged 30 in 1700 - could be due to the fact that neither he nor his wife was around then. I assume this is the only Heinrich Stößel baptised around 1670 in Bäretswil - correct?
29.12.1737 burial Heinrich Stoßel from a location I cannot decipher with confidence (related to Jurtenwis??). As there is no addidional info (like age) we cannot be sure it's the one born 1673 - leave alone "our" Heinrich.
Now for the wife/mother:
You write "I found four burial entries for Regula Rüegg before 1700, however 3 appear to be from Baretswil and not Adetswil. The last one is a three letter community.". Bäretswil instead of Adetswil doesn’t bother me at all - she will likely have move to Baretswil, and Adetswil belongs to the paris of Bäretswil anyway … but 4 burials Regula Rüegg between Jan 1697 (bith of Verena) and 1700 … was the name that common? Did the entries give any additional info (like age) - or could you upload these entries as well, please? Could the three letter community be the one I cannot really decipher for Heinrich in 1737?
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WSeelentag You have sort of answered my main question. Question: Is the city mentioned always the birth city?
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The birth city is usually not of much importance - when a location is given, it will usually either be the place of citizenship or of residence. Might be the same place, where a person was born, but doesn't have to be.
As Adetswil is not an independent place of citizenship, it will be the place of residence before Regula got married (she might have been born there as well) - but the she will likely have moved to Bäretswil after marriage.
But Heinrich died in a different place - I would like to compare that with the three letter community you have mentioned: could be the connection.
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WSeelentag As requested I have added the possible burials for Rägeli Rügg before 1700. The 1695 last name doesn't quite look right but you will know better. I adjusted the titles on the page. Disregard the names of the files. Depend on the titles as posted.
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Thank you for uploading the files, Kent ! However, I cannot "disregard" the file names - they are the default names when the file is downloaded - I can only correct them 😉.
Now for the burials:
1694: Rägeli Rügg was vom Hoff - Hof is a hamlet belonging to Bäretswil.
1695: surname definitely not Rüegg - starts with a "K".
But these two can be disregarded anyway: Regula Rüegg gave birth to Verena in Jan 1697.
Leaves the two entries 1699: both same name and both von Bäretswil - one with a date (17. April), the other one without date - in between the two entries only a single delayed entry of a person who died in Langenthal (Bern). Did the pastor get confused and wrote Rägula Rüggin down twice?
May I quote my other question from above? 15.06.1673 baptised Hannß Heinrich, son of Heinrich Stößel and Magdalena Werndlin (parents got married 15.09.1657): doesn't quite fit aged 30 in 1700 - could be due to the fact that neither he nor his wife was around then. I assume this is the only Heinrich Stößel baptised around 1670 in Bäretswil - correct?
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WSeelentag I will look at this when I get home. What years should I check?
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He is mentioned as aged 30 in 1700 - if correct, he would have been born 1669/70. Now, as mentioned, the age might not be as reliable as usual in the circumstances. You have so far found one entry 1673 - if we apply the same uncertainty in the other direction, we end up with 1666.
It would be great if you could give this time span another look - but there is no hurry.
Best regards - Wolf
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I searched from 1665 to 1684. Found two Barbara Stösels with the same parents as the 1673 entry for Heinrich. Namely Heinrich Stösel and Magdalena Wendliln. One was 24 July 1670 and the other 22 Sep 1667. I found many Stösel names. On the last page I found another Heinrich. It is posted as the first document on this page:
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So the Heinrich born 1673 was the only Heinrich Stössel born between 1665 and 1683 - will be "our" Heinrich with an age in the Haushatungsrodel not being very accurate.
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That looks correct to me. We appreciate what pastors were able to enter even though there are some errors. In particular when they added important details like profession and cause of death, it is much appreciated. I think you said before that the Haushatungsrodel records have errors. A lot depends the date the church record was entered and the date of birth. That alone could make a birth number off a year.