Bäretswil ZH - baptism - 1705 - Wild - Catharina

Kent Gardiner
Bäretswil 1705 Catharina Wild, June 21 film 007671923 page 213
Second document:
Catharina Wild FS number: K272-27Z
Parents: Hans Heinrich Wild b 1663 and Barbar Bosshart b 1673
21. Junÿ [1705] Catharina
Hannß Heinrich Wild, von Bäretschwÿl, v. / Barbara Boßhart
Jageli Weÿer ab dem Hoff / Cathrina Boßhart von ---tschwÿl(?)
There is a "v." after Bäretschwÿl: cannot interpret this.
Godmother's origin: Bäretswil would be plausible - but I'm not happy.
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