Stop this Insanity - Erasure of German villages in Source Linker
I am seeing more and more of new source linker doing this horrible behavior.
When I link, the village parishes automatically get erased repeatedly. I had to restore the villages.
I do not see such behavior for France, Luxembourg and elsewhere so far.
Perl, Saarburg, Rhein, Preußen, Deutschland is erased and replaced with only Saarburg, Rhineland, Prussia, Germany.
Faha, Saarburg, Rhein, Preußen, Deutschland, replaced with same result.
The parish records are now considered irrevelant at least what is now Saarland, and south part of Rheinland-Pfalz. Germany
This behavior needs to be stopped and corrected by the coding programmers, now. I am tired of constantly restoring the village/parish place names.
This behavior did NOT exist in older version. This is why I stayed with it to the very end because of this behavior. I am not happy with constant correcting.
The indexers got the place names correct - in German. Stop converting them to English-centric places that aren't even correct in first place, too. This behavior didn't exist in older version of source linker.
@W D Samuelsen contact me please - You are not alone. There are many comments in many discussions about the poor behaviour of the place name auto-selector.
If it is any help at all, you could try a method that I use. Prepare by opening a text editor, and type (or copy) in the place names that you want to keep intact.
When you use the source linker, copy and paste the correct place from your text into the record to be attached. This will remain in the paste buffer for further use with other persons in the same source.
Until the place name auto-selectorgets a major fix, this might be a workaround that allows you to keep working without going mad.
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Thank you for your comments. I have sent this to the engineers for them to review.
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Another place got erased and replaced with.
Grossbockenheim, Pfalz, Bayern, Deutschland
replaced by Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany (English centric and wiped out the town of Grossbockenheim (Großbockenheim)0