I am trying to find more information about my Grandfathers military career in the Red army during th
My Grandfathers name was Leon Proskoudin(e) I know he was in the Battle of Stalingrad and was born in the Caucus region. I do not know what unit he was in or other battles that he fought in.
Russia has done an excellent job of putting many WWII records on the database Pamyat Naroda (https://pamyat-naroda.ru/) or Memorial (https://obd-memorial.ru/html/). As it is a Russian language database, names must be entered in Russian. His surname is probably spelled Проскудин, and Leon would be Леон.
Is this your grandfather here in some of these linked records?
Obituary, Passenger List, Naturalization Petition
If so, it looks like he would have been born in about 1921. So far, I haven't seen any results matching what we already know about him.
From Memorial's website, it looks like they are still adding new records (this year they have added 2 million new records already), so it's possible that records for him just haven't been indexed and put online yet. I'm guessing that Pamyat Naroda may still be adding to their collection as well.
Most of these records are coming from the ЦАМО archive in Moscow (Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense). https://archive.mil.ru/archival_service/central/history.htm
If you don't speak Russian, these websites can be easily navigated using the Chrome browser - just right click and then press translate to English.
Hope this is helpful!