Danish Translation Assistance
Thank you for allowing me to join this group. I am excited to learn from all of you as my knowledge of Danish is very limited…I mean very very limited.
I am trying to determine the correct name for the father in this image below for the very last entry for Birthe Marie Pedersen. If someone could assist with telling me what the entire entry for Birth Marie Pedersen is, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
This birth record seems to have been added out of order. It looks like the writer simply used the space that was available after entry 9. Part of the birth information is on the left-hand page and there is some more on the right-hand page. (There is another, higher quality version of the record here:
.)Left-hand page transcription:
d. 2 Juli Birthe Marie Pedersen som er hjemmedøpt den 17 July. Ugift fruent[immer] Inger Marie Gregersen og udlagt barnefader Unkarl Christen Pedersen Tannerup [Tanderup?].
Left-hand page translation:
the 2nd of July Birthe Marie Pedersen who was home baptized the 17th of July. Unmarried woman Inger Marie Gregersen and the "said-to-be" father of the child bachelor Christen Pedersen Tannerup [Tanderup?].
Right-hand page transcription:
X 5 X uægte X Anmeldls. af Pastor Simonsen i Skriv(else). 12/8 Tistaaelse for Modtagelser i Skriv(else). 20/8 64.
Right-hand page translation:
X 5 [see Note 1 below] X illegitimate X Reported by Pastor Simonsen [see Note 2 below] in a letter on 12 August. Acknowledged receipt in a letter 20 August 1864.
Note 1 - The "X 5" refers to the page in the Jævenførelses Register (Comparing Index) where the birth record is recorded. I looked at it, but there is no additional information. That record is here:
. There are two girls named Birthe Marie Pedersen on this page-the correct one is marked "1864".Note 2 - There is a Pastor Simonsen in a neighboring parish (Torslev) in the 1860 Census. So, looking in Torslev parish there is another (much better) birth record for Birthe Marie Pedersen here (entry #6):
.That record translates pretty much the same as your original record from Haverslev ( "|" indicates a break between columns) : (Entry #) 6 | (born) 2 July (1864) | (child's name) Birthe Marie Pedersen | (christening/baptism date) Homebaptized the 17th of July by the priest in the mother's report. (The baptism was) confirmed in the church the 20th of November | (parents) unmarried woman (the word used for woman - "fruentimmer" is sometimes a derogatory term) of Attrup Inger Marie Gregersen (22 years old) and the said-to-be father of the child bachelor Christen Pedersen of Tanderup | (the 6th column lists witnesses) | (the page number and entry number in the Jævenførelses Register where the birth was recorded) 15 . 6. | (notes) The mother served for 7 years in Haverslev parish (some of the next part I don't understand) Acknowledged from Haverslev parish of 20 August 2864.
See the Danish/English Genealogical Wordlist here:
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Thank you for the help. I wasn't sure if the father's name was Christen Pedersen Tanderup, or if Tanderup or Tannerup is a place and the father's name was just Christen Pedersen.
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(some of the next part I don't understand) :
men kom hiem og giorde Barsel - but came home and gave birth
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Christen Pedersen af Tanderup → Tanderup in Haverslev Sogn, Øster Han Herred, Hjørring Amt.
Possible candidate for the father, though it would make him quite young:
There is a Christen Pedersen, son af Peder Jacobsen, and born in Haverslev 10. October 1847 in the lægdsrulle for 1863.
It inform that he died and was buried 26. May 1865!
Source (page 285, left, nr 3): https://arkivalieronline.rigsarkivet.dk/da/billedviser?epid=16481029#19765,1590524Census 1855: Hjørring, Øster Han, Haverslev Sogn, Hauerslev Mark, huus, 80, FT-1855, B6441
Peder Jacobsen 36 aar Gift huusmand, Dagleier Broust Sogn Hjørring Amt
Else Christensdatter 38 aar Gift hans kone Lerup Sogn Hjørring Amt
Karen Maria Pedersdatter 11 aar Ugift deres barn Lerup Sogn Hjørring Amt
Christen Pedersen 8 aar Ugift deres barn her i sognet
Jacob Pedersen 5 aar Ugift deres barn her i sognet
Christine Pedersen 2 aar Ugift deres barn her i sognet
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.This is most certainly Inger Marie Gregersen, as she was 22 years from Attrup in Torslev Sogn, mentioned at the baptism of Birthe Marie in Torslev Sogn.
Census 1850: Hjørring, Øster Han, Torslev Sogn, Attrup By, et Huus, 135, FT-1850, C4159
Gregers Pedersen 37 Gift Huusmand, lever af sin Jordlod Her i Sognet
Zira Marie Mikkelsdatter 35 Gift hans Kone Her i Sognet
Birthe Marie Gregersen 10 Ugift deres Børn Her i Sognet
Inger Marie Gregersen 8 Ugift deres Børn Her i Sognet
Peder Chr. Gregersen 6 Ugift deres Børn Her i Sognet
Mitte Marie Gregersen 4 Ugift deres Børn Her i Sognet
Ellen Marie Gregersen 1 Ugift deres Børn Her i Sognet
Source: Dansk Demografisk Database.
Inger Marie Gregersen seems to have named her daughter Birthe Marie after her older sister!1 -
The death of Christen Pedersen 16. June 1865 and buried 23. June 1865 in Haverslev Sogn.
Christen Pedersen, ugift, son af "sognefoged" Peder Jacobsen in Tanderup!
17 1/2 years old.
Skifterestsattest af 22/6 1865.
Source (page 7, 3rd from bottom): https://arkivalieronline.rigsarkivet.dk/da/billedviser?epid=21695925#411933,75962619NB: So he was from Tanderup, which strongly suggest we have the right Christen Pedersen!
His father was a sognefoged, so the local parish lawman, appointed by the Amtmand.
So a person of good standing in the local community.1 -
Hi Niels Just Rasmussen. Thank you for your help. I have tried learning Danish through an app but it hasn't helped me much with translation of the documents.