Hirzel ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1633 - Landis & Egli - Felix & Adalheit
Hirzel 1633 Bevölkerungsverzeichnis, Felix Landis/Adelheid Eglin film 1185140 page 369
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Thank you!
The tabular format makes it a bit difficult to transcribe in that format - so I will sort this by content and translate each bit separately.
Namen: der Örteren 7 der Elteren / der Kinderen / Wie alt sÿ seigind (Jar) / Wie lang sÿ widertoüfferisch gsÿn (Jar).
Names: of residence / parents / children / their age / for how long they have been Anabaptists.
Place of residence: An dem alten Müllibühel [cannot locate it with any confidence - might be Müliberg]
Felix Landis (aged) 50 (Anabaptist) von iugend vff (since his youth)
Adalheit Eglin aus(?) dem Fischenthal, sÿn Hußfrouw (his wife, aged) 40 (Anabaptist since) 7 (years)
Sÿ habend 2 Kinder (they got 2 children)
1. Hans … 2
2. Maria … 1
There is some interesting information on Felix (and his father Hans) on https://websites.umich.edu/~bobwolfe/gen/pn/p1762.htm (found it when looking for Müllibühel).
Unfortunately there is no information on the son Hans - but the fact that the family were Anabaptists doesn't make them my "favourites" in your context. Possibly the book on The Landis Family of Lancaster County provides further info.
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WSeelentag Wow, you pulled a lot of information out of this church record. Well done!!! I'm not sure what "doesn't make them my "favourites" in your context," means. I have no problem on what religion people choose to follow. Anabaptists have similar beliefs, in terms of baptism, as the LDS church:
Anabaptists believe that baptism is valid only when candidates freely confess their faith in Christ and request to be baptized. Commonly referred to as believer's baptism, it is opposed to baptism of infants, who are not able to make a conscious decision to be baptized.
Thanks for suggesting I look for more church records!! This is an excellent one for Hans Landis!
The piece on Felix was wild, amazing and sad!!! 😓What a wonderful piece to have. Thanks for finding it. You are amazing! My best to you. As always, KG
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My comment had nothing to do (directly) with their belief - it was more the consequences (at the time): due to the suppression many of these families had a low social standing or were even forced to emigrate. This is a bit in contradiction to Hans Landis being a Wagner and (likely) a respected member of the community. He could have "returned" to the "proper faith", however, but with another Hans born 1630 within a few weeks, this alternative should be looked at more closely.
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The other Hans born was born 5 September 1630 to Peter Landis and Margreta Strickler. He was their first child. It appears he didn't live past infancy. I did look for his death in 1630 but it wasn't there. The FamilySearch number for Peter Landis is 27GM-KNJ.
Is Othenbach the same at Ottenbach? I assume so, just making sure. My Sidler line came from Ottenbach where I have done a lot of research!
I did find some interesting/colorful info on Ancestry regarding Hans' parent and grandparent. It is at the top of Hans' webpage:
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Othenbach is not mentioned as alternative spelling for Ottenbach on https://search.ortsnamen.ch/de/record/7043773/ - but there is no real alternative in that region either. So I would agree with you.
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Thanks for checking. The reason I asked is because: "Felix son of Hans Landis b 1543 dies of hunger and want in prison in Othenbach, 1642, his wife is delivered out of her bonds."