Aeugst am Albis ZH - death - 1746 - Stünzi - Elisabetha
Aeugst am Albis 1746 burial Elisabetha Stünzin March 2, film 008125657 page 212
Last document on page
Anno 1746: den 2. Merzen
Frauw Elisabetha Stünzin von Käpfne der Gemeind Horgen, Meister Caspar Landis des Rotgerwers In der Wengi Ehelich-geliebte Haußfrauw, aetatis anni 71 und 3 Wuchen,
Text: Jesaje XII: 2(?).
nata et baptizata est die 10 Febr 1675.
Frau Elisabetha Stünzin from Käpfnach in the community (or parish) Horgen, conjugally-loved wife of Master red tanner Caspar Landis "in der Wengi", died 02.03.1746, aged 71 years and 3 weeks. She had been born and baptised on 10.02.1675.
This last sentence is interesting as it shows at least for her that she had been baptised on the day she was born - so likely for other baptisms in Aeugst there was not a longish period between birth and baptism (not always the case in other reformed parishes).
There is an additional running number, which is not quite clear to me: …
85: 11.10.1745
86: 13.10.1745
89: 02.03.1746 Elisabetha Stünzin
91: 18.08.1746
90: last on this page - no date
It could be that the entries were not written down chronologically - and therefore "renumbered". It would be interesting to see the next page, whether this is a plausible explanation.
Kaepfne: note the "e over a" for "ä" … Käpfnach.
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WSeelentag: Wonderful!!! Yes, I was wondering about the numbering system as well. For some reason the Pastor crossed out the numbers in the upper right hand corner of the document and renumbered it. It looks like he got confused. I posted the second page under your transcription/translation.
It is nice to have the name of Elisabetha's home town rather than just her Parish. Käpfnach looks like a seaside resort town however I looked it up and there seems to be a famous mine there! It is also great to hear the Pastor say Elisabetha was loved by her husband. I assume he didn't note that on every entry. Thanks for everything!!!
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Numbers on right hand page: 92 - 93 - 94 - 96 - 97 (29.10.1746) - 87 (22.10.1745) - 88 (03.02.1746)
And there is 90: last on this page - spreading both pages (18.03.1746) - an interesting one "Jacob Vollenweider auß der Riedt zu Friesenheim in // in der Pfalz".
So we have all consecutive numbers … obviously several entries were made with delay, and the additional numbers try to put these in chronological order.
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Very good. Thanks for being so detailed!!