Deleted Banner Missing

Bringing this post to the attention of the Merge Analysis team.
@Rita A. Flaten wrote
I merged two people, but the deleted one doesn't have the deleted
banner across the top of their PID page (Harry Frazier GNH4-TFL was
deleted; Henry Frasier MF6C-8FH was kept). Normally, there is a wide, black banner across the
top identifying that the person has been deleted. I still see the banner
on the fly-out card, but not on the person page. We really need to see
it on the person page as it's a wonderful heads up that this person has
been deleted. Why is this now missing on the person page for deleted
Thanks for your help with this.
Experiencing similar issue
1 -
The problem has been fixed and the Deleted Person banner is once again shown for deleted profiles.