Which Danish Lægdsruller?

I'm trying to trace a Hans Jacob Rohr b.1849, son of Christian Hansen Rohr, of Andst, Anst, Ribe using the military rolls, but I am having a hard time finding the specific Lægdsruller.
The Danish web site Arkivalieronline does not publish past 1864, and I do not think he is old enough to be on a roll then.
Danish Family Search has Military rolls in the late 1800's but all I am finding are short rolls with 20 people or less in each Lægd. What am I missing?
Great, much appreciated.
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The Danish web site Arkivalieronline does not publish past 1864 ????
Choose "Hvem er i rullen" 1849 - Ribe amt - Anst - Andst
Choose "Find lægdsrullen i forventet indskrivningsår .1864."
Change to 1865 Ribe amt - Anst - Andst
Result: År 1865/P lægd: 86 Anst herred, Ribe amt
Choose "udskrivningskreds lægd 1 - 187 omskrevet 1876"
Go to Lægd 86
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Appreciate you showing me how to navigate that website, it's is not one I often use, but will now, again, thank you. One further question - now that you found the record, how do I trace someone forward in time? The numbers do not translate to the next record in the years ahead? It just seems to indicate that he is off the rolls in 1888.