Issue with the Family Groups when I deleted the first CET
When I deleted my first CET and uploaded a new GEDCOM file, the old tree still shows up as Tanner Family Tree Group with three members from the original now deleted family tree. This causes a lot of confusion. Also, the new CET does not show up in the groups.
I think I may understand your situation. You deleted a CET that was created from an uploaded Gedcom. You clicked on the Family Groups tab in the top left of the list of trees page and saw that there was a similarly named Family Group still visible under Family Groups. Did I get that right?
Answer:We currently have a non-final user experience. Family Groups and CET are currently listed under the "Family Tree" menu and show up on the same page as two tabs. That IS confusing and it is NOT the intended final user experience. Family Groups is a feature of and part of the Family Tree collection of tree data. CET is NOT part of the Family Tree collection of tree data. Here is what the final user experience "might" look like, it is still being finalized and implemented.
1) The Family Tree menu at the top is likely to change to "Trees"2) Under the new Trees menu a user will see Family Tree as an option. Under Family Tree in the menu (and possibly indented a little to indicate they are part of Family Tree) a user will see the Family Groups they have created. Below the Family Tree section of the menu will be the CET section of the menu where a user will see the list of all the CET they either created (owner) or have been invited to join (contributor).
3) The single page that currently has two tabs (Family groups & CET) will be broken up and accessed differently. They should not be on the same page since they are two separate tree products.
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Thanks, that seems to be a good solution. I certainly understand that the development is ongoing.