Another example of changing ID numbers and importing sources from

I found another interesting issue when I tried to use’s API and add information to the FamilySearch Family Tree (FSFT). I found record hints for William Flewin 9K4L-V86 and used the interface to the FSFT. I then quit the program and reopened it to the CET. I went to the Recents menu and found William Flewin 9K4L-V86 while still in the CET. I then changed back to the FSFT by selecting the tree from the menu and then I went to the Recents menu and looked for William Flewin 9K4L-V86 again. I can provide screenshots of this happening if asked. I then used the menu to move to the Tanner Family Tree Group and went to Recents and found William Flewin 9K4L-V86 with all the sources from I thought this was a little bit unusual since I did not think the three trees shared the same information. So, I closed the program again and then used the View Relationship chart to find William in the FSFT. Since I still had the Chrome browser open, I did not have to sign into FS again. When I opened the program, it defaulted to the last choice of the three family trees. I switched to the FSFT and using the View Relationship, I worked my way back to William Flewin 9K4L-V86. The FS program then crashed. I went back into the FSFT and worked my way back to William again. Now I was back to William Flewin 9K4L-V86. I changed the Family Tree view to the CET, and it returned to the default view and then I worked my way back to William again using the Relationship Chart which I had open in another window. Now I had William Flewin G5BW-5WZ with only 10 sources. I changed to the CET Group and worked my way back to William in this tree. Here William was 9K4L-V86. Next, just to see what would happen, I switched to the CET and went back on the pedigree. Now William was William Flewin G5BW-5WZ. I shut down the website again, this time completely and reopened it to each of the three trees using the recents menu. I had to sign in, of course. William Flewin 9K4L-V86 with all the sources was in the FSFT. William Flewin 9K4L-V86 Was in the Tanner Family Tree Group Tree and also in the CET. Interesting. Apparently, I can import from Ancestry and the FSFT and the Group Tree.
Thank you very much for your input and testing to help develop this new product. Please watch the announcements for future enhancements and supported features. As you know, the engineers are still working on the development of this product and have set priorities for rolling out those enhancements.
Again, thank you for your valuable assistance with this product.