Week 12 (Mar 15-21) Can you think of an ancestor or family member that you could brag about?
Did they share their talents with others, or persevere against the odds, or set a great example or anything else that was significant.
- Record their story and share it in the FamilySearch Memories.
- Add a photo if you can.
Have you missed some of the previous prompts? Check here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n0bFWvT1QqXhzYA6sQ1aYYe8J2-eBd7QzXqyhs3c0WM/edit
Personally I think its our common ancestors that we need to remember and be grateful for and see that they are memorialized to some degree.
not just the Royalty, or Pocahontas, or the wealthy and famous.
just the plain simple folk - who lived with integrity, faith and purpose.
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My grandmother knitted toys and sold them. She donated the funds received to societies that took care of children.
My grandfather saved the turkey industry by developing a vaccine to prevent cholera in turkeys.
My father donated bags of food to help the poor in the Philippines.
Another grandfather lost an eye to cancer, but he was a professional archer. He taught war wounded soldiers to be able to use a bow an arrow. Many of these soldiers were blind, but he taught them to outshoot a sighted instructor. They aimed at a target that was identified by letting a tring with a washer swing against a metal target. He also helped soldiers that had lost limbs regain strength and ability by teaching them archery skills.
My grandmother died before her 32nd birthday. She left seven young children. I believe that she loved her children and I have always wanted to be like her. I have some of her letters that she wrote to her mother. She told of her financial struggles during the depression era. She made do with what she had and loved her children. I admire her!
My mother took online writing courses and successfully submitted articles for publication.
As I come to know my ancestors, I find many things that I find admirable. These are the people that I brag about!