Translation Request, please: 1683 Amsterdam, Johannes Schenck death
The record below is from the Amsterdam Archives and, I think, records the burial or death on 25 July 1683 of Johannes Schenck, who would have been about four years old. He was the son of Johannes Schenck and Madelena de Haes and was baptized in April 1678. Is this a death register or a register of burial or??? Please advise me of what it is! Thanks.
I am not able to read the rest of the line dealing with Johannes on this page and would greatly appreciate it if someone were able to translate it, please. Thank you very much.
The document from July 25, 1683 only mentions that a Child of Johannes Schenck has been buried. It doesn't mention a name of the deceased child.
Kind Regards,
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When the child was born, as you say in April 1678 , the child's name is 'given' name Johannes , So equals his fathers name. Johannes Schenk , son of Johannes Schenk. Line April ! right hand side.
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Many thanks, Adrien and Margreet, for taking the time to provide more information about the record of Johannes Schenck, son of Johannes. I very much appreciate your expertise and your time!
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The registration line gives the name and address of the deceased:
Johannes Schenck op de Keijsersgragt bij de Huijdestr.
Nowadays address would be: at the Keizersgracht near the Huidenstraat,4.8847682,3a,75y,78.31h,93.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slwwCmMyRGNcItMpx5xy5hg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
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Keizersgracht had ik gevonden, Huidenstraat raakte ik niet aan uit. Nu wel als ik een lead heb.
Groeten uit het verre Belgie-
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Thank you both for the further comments!
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