Is there anywhere on the site to download the latest slides from the tech meeting and the center chatter meetings?
My understanding, and multiple statements over time from Elder Richins is that those two meetings are considered unofficial meetings, not officially supported by FamilySearch, and that no recordings are made, thus neither the slides nor a recording of them are viewable after the fact. Since they are held live three different times each 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Eastern, Pacific, and Hawaii time zones, if we miss the one in our (or the nearest) time zone, we can simply wait a couple of hours and attend the next meeting at 7pm in the next available time zone.
As a Center director, I consider this a high priority meeting, but occasionally something locally will prevent me from attending at 7pm locally, so I merely stay up just a bit longer than I might wish, and attend the 10pm meeting (7:00 Pacific time). Each meeting is a bit different because of different questions and issues that are brought up by people in each of those meetings. Plus, I'm not sure they're using slide decks like they used to anyway, due to the volume of questions brought up by participants around North America.
Note that the old spreadsheet with a wide variety of answers has also been deleted from the FamilySearch Center Support for Leaders and Staff Community Group. In its place is a list of (currently) eight links to various articles and information that will be of great benefit to Center directors and staff, and also their support of FSC patrons. Much of the information in those links was often covered in the monthly slides in the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening meetings, in the Eastern, Pacific, and Hawail time zones. There is a wealth of information in those links, and they'll answer many of the questions we each have anyway.
I'm sure Elder Richins will correct any of the above when he's able to review this support group, but at least this provides what I believe to be a current correct answer based on what has been announced in the two monthly meetings.
-Chris Schmink
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I work first Wednesday all day in the Temple. 2 Shifts. I would like to attend these meetings. Written material would be helpful if unable to record the meeting.
Thank you,
Valerie Hillesheim
Monterey FamilySearch Center. 333-0575
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Why not just attend the 7pm Hawaii Time Zone version of the meeting? Each of the three meetings is different because each is live and has different questions and input from the people in each of the three time zone meetings, but they're all tech support. If you attend the 7pm Hawaii Time Zone meeting you can still have access to Elder Richins at either 9:00 or 10:00 your time (depending on daylight savings time). I live on the east coast (Georgia), and often have to attend three hours later in the Pacific Time Zone due to schedule conflicts.
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Are copies of the slides used at the TechTalk Meetings available for download after the meetings?
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We travel home from the Temple, which is at least a 2-hour drive.
I will try to connect while driving.
Valerie Hillesheim
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Mod note: Two discussions were merged into one to bring all the comments together.