Adding cousins not in my direct family line
How do I add living children that are descendants of my great-grandfather but not the grandfather that I'm related to. My great-grandfather had 8 children. Do I have to invite the living descendants to join the the group tree and created so that with their view they can see and add to the group the living descendants that they see?
There are two ways to do this. You can climb the tree to where the common grandmother is and click the multiple spouses icon on her husband to switch to the other grandfather:
In the pop-out on the right hand side, click to view the tree for the other grandfather. Then using the arrows go back down the tree to where the living family members need to be added.
The other way would be to go to your Person Page and click up the tree through the family links up to the common grandmother and then back down through the tree to where you can add the living family members.
As long as you still have the Family Group Tree name in the left-hand corner, you will add those living family members to that Family Group Tree.