Relationship Change

I copied my siblings and their children into my shared tree. I cannot expand my tree in Sibling View from me to see my siblings but if I view my sister's "tree," I can expand the tree from her to show me and my other sister. From my "tree" when I click the arrow to expand from me, I get a pop up message that says "Relationship Change - A relationship change was detected, refresh pedigree to get the latest changes." I then have the option to REFRESH PEDIDGREE or DISMISS. After I refresh, I still cannot expand to see my sisters and it is not clear what latest changes happened. I can go to my person page and see my siblings. Any idea why I cannot see them in Sibling Tree View?
@DorRuS Is this problem still occurring? If so, can you tell us what operating system and browser you are using and send screenshots of what you were doing when the refresh error and the no-show-siblings error occurred?
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This should have been fixed in a recent update. IF you are still having trouble with this refresh, please start a new post, including what operating system and browser you are using and screenshots of the process (or a video if you know how to do that!)