finding post-1900 records in and around Szamotuly; Szamotuly town name
My family lived in the Szamotuly area for quite some time. I've located births from 1890-1908, but I have been unable to find evidence of marriages or deaths for these people after this time period. Are these records too recent and not available? I've been searching "Records" and "Catalogue". Thanks.
Leslle, Poznan Project has indexed marriage records from 1800-1899, you could find there marriages indexed for years 1890-1899, For individual and also marriage, death records, you may click on Basia Project on the home page of Poznan Project, or search for then click on "More" in the center column, under Obszar (which means territory) - then drag a little box in the right margin, or scroll down to Szamotuly which will be in alphabetical order of list of parishes and civil records offices. Click on Szamotuly. You will find there a number of references to records past year 1900. Clicking on your selection, you will be taken to szukajwarchiwach, Polish State Archives. Those that are in green, you will be able to roll up the box in right margin to Extended Search and enter the name you are searching, narrow the years, the place Szamotuly, with radius of 10-20 kilometers. When you find the record of interest to you, you may click on the Scan on the right to go to szukajwarchiwach Polish State Archives to locate the record you selected. Please note that in Poland Research Community below Poland Group Resource Links you will find instructions on how to use szukajwarchiwach. Enjoy your research.
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Thank you. I did the search, but it appears that the records only go up to 1914 (the children wouldn't have been married by then). Do you know of any other sources?
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You may check the Civil Records Office for more recent records (the last 100 years), but you may need to apply to Consulate if you live outside of Poland, pay extra, and validate the direct line to particular ancestors. Some marriages may be indexed for year 1915 -1920 in Just keep checking from time to time.
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Great, thank you.