Please translate Marriage Record Luise Milbradt and Johann Wilhelm Martin, 14 Sept 1859, Konin
Thank you for your help.
Marriage Record No. 41, Scan No. 354 of 380, Konin, Evangelical Parish, dated the 14th September 1859, of Jan Wilhelm Marcinkowski, a young man of Evangelical-Augsburg faith, son of Jan Marcinkowski, an owner of a grange Szyszynek, and of his deceased wife, Katarzyna, born Zacharyasz, he is 23 years old and lives with his father in Szyszynek, and of a maiden, Luiza Milbradt, daughter of Wilhelm and Karolina, born Schultz, married couple Milbradt, millers in Czerpiszce (?), she lives there with her parents, she is 21 years old. This marriage was preceded by three marriage banns published in this Evangelical-Augsburg Church. There was no impediment detected. The newly marrieds state that they entered into a prenuptial agreement before Konin notary on the 7th September 1859. Witnesses: Benedykt Goszke, a carpenter from Czarkow, 53 years old, and Ludwik Bogacz, a miller, resident of Biskupie, 22 years old. Signatures: Johann Wilhelm Marcinkowski, Luise Milbradt, and W. Milbradt.
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Thank you so much Maria.