
I'm not sure the purpose of this feature. Does it allow memories and other details to be seen by other living members of the group?
Currently all living people you have entered into your account can only be seen by you.
Shared Family Group trees allow you to copy the living people in your account into a new group tree to which you can invite other family members to join. Then all of you see the same profile for those people.
Say, for example, you have fully documented the life of your living father but your five siblings either do not yet have FamilySearch accounts or have an account but only have your father in their accounts with only his name and no other information. Instead of them recreating all the work you have done, you simply copy your profile for him into the family group, invite them to the group, and all six of you can see the same information. They never need touch a profile they have for him or create one if they have no profile for him at all.
Instead of the six of you working on six different profiles for your father, you all work on just the one. All memories attached to that joint profile can be seen by all of you.
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You can also share things that you might normally text to one another: Sam's first fancy dress dance, Michael's first prom, Elizabeth's first step, Family pictures at the reunion, Darci & Alex getting engaged, The day the tree fell on the house. Everyday things like: "Made sushi for lunch. Yum!", "All quiet at home now that the youngest is in school" or "Does the laundry ever end???", Add your own experiences of your spiritual growth that you want to share with your family. All of these and more can be saved here, permanently for siblings, kids, grandkids, even great-great-great???grandkids to explore and learn more about YOU! And check out the new Memories tagging structure that allows you to lock these photos, memories and stories down to JUST the groups! Not just public or private anymore!