Can someone please translate this birth record?
Can you please translate this possible birth record for my 3rd great grandfather? His name was Joseph Eppele and his father was Joseph Eppele and mother Marguerite Hasenfratz from Reichshoffen, France.
His supposed birthdate is 25 Mar 1752 but I can't tell what the date of birth or baptism was here other than 1752.
The record is in Latin. If there is a better group to post this to please let me know. The site it was from was French and was the state archive but the record is in Latin.
They were Catholic and lived in Reichshoffen.
Thank you!
Meilleure réponse
@JulieDiehl1, the record says:
Hodie vigesimo quinto mensis martii anni millesimi Septe[m]
=tesimi quinquagesimi Secundi a me infra scripto parocho i[?]
Reichs[h]ofen baptizatus est Josephus filius Joannis Eppele [?]
et Fabri lignadii et Mariae Margarethae hossentraz conjugi[?]
commorantium in hoc parochia, et heri natus est, patrin[?]
[next page]
Fuit Joannes georgius marx civis et agricola hujas, Matrina
vero Catharina henz filia Michaelis henz civis et fabri lignarii
et mariae magdalenae Ziegelmeyer commorans quoque Reichs
=hofen, patrinus una meeum subscripsit, pater antem et Matrina
debite inte?ettati declararunt se scriber nescire notos su?s
Hanß Gerg Marx Signatum matrinae
Signatum Joannis +
Eppele patris Joannes Fürst parochus in Reichshoffen [pp.]
Today, the twenty-fifth of the month of March in the year one thousand seventeen
fifty-two, by me, the undersigned parish priest of
Reichshofen, was baptized: Joseph, son of Johann Eppele, [page cut off]
and carpenter, and Maria Margaretha Hossentrax(?), a married couple
living in this parish, and [who was] born yesterday; godfather
[next page]
was Johann Georg Marx, citizen and farmer in this town; godmother
was Catharina Henz, daughter of Michael Henz, citizen and carpenter,
and of Maria Magdalena Ziegelmeyer, a married couple also living in Reichshofen.
The godfather signed along with me, the father and mother having previously
declared they did not know how to write and instead signed their marks.
Hanß Gerg Marx signed mother
signed Johann +
Eppele father Joannes Fürst, pastor in Reichshoffen [pp.]
thank you so much!