Translation Help Please. There is a note attached to this record that I can't read.
I cannot read the note at the end of this record. I have found some individual words, but when I put them together, they make no sense.
As long as I am sending this to you, can you tell me what the Godfather does, and does the godmother really work in the rectory?
Here is my translation so far;
On 11 October 1693 Wentz Plass in Stannern and his wife Rosina baptized a daughter Catharina. Godparents were Casper Schieck ......... in Market Pirnitz, with Catharina Kunschackh worker in the rectory in Market Stannern. Note: .....................
Thank you for taking time to look at this for me.
On 11 October 1693 Wentz Plass in Stannern and his wife Rosina baptized a
daughter Catharina. Godparents were Casper Schenkh [Halbierer – I looked it up, it's a profession but I have no idea what they did. To 'halbieren' means to halve something.] in Market Pirnitz, with Catharina Kunschackh worker in the rectory in Market
Stannern. Note: maritus hujus Patrine(?) vocabatur(?) Joannes Lang com(m)otoviensis(?)Vocabatur refers to someone who has been called or named something, it might be that Joannes Lang was also (supposed to be) a godparent. The last word might refer to a place or an area whence he hailed or where he resided.
– I'm really just guessing but someone else may be able to do something with this.
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"Note well: the husband of this godparent is called Joannes Lang of Commoto(??)."
I can't figure out that last word, but -(i)ensis is the usual ending for turning a placename into an adjective (such as Siciliensis "Sicilian, of Sicily").
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The godmother's husband was probably from Chomutov, Czechia (
(Dunno why I didn't think to try a simple web search. Putting in "Commotoviensis" came up with, among other things, a Google Books result for I think a school yearbook from 1842, which is identified as being from Chomutov and uses Commotoviensis in the long-and-Latin title of the work.)