Helper Planner Down?
Several of us consultants no longer can see the patrons we help on the helper planner. Others say theirs is fine. What would it take to get this up and running again?
This happened to me not too long ago. I ended up going to different browsers to get better responses. Yeah, but something is going on.
So I do not see a hyperlink on the main page anymore that says " People You are Helping".
I've been a FamilySearch Helper for some time, so I have active relatives I am helping and that is why I see a "Planner" to the right of my personal screen.
But sometimes I do not get the "Planner" on the right side of the screen. That is when I switch Browsers and I can sometimes, not always, drill in to it. So it it a Memory Caching issue (cookies related?) or something a little more nefarious?