Translation Request - Birth Record Andrzej Brudz 26 May 1826
Please help with the translation of the birth record Andreas Brudz, born 26 May 1826, Kupno, Kolbuszowa, Poland. House no. 95. Parents of mother, Joanna Smyrski: Carolus (Karol in Polish) Smyrski; parents of father Marcin Brudz: Andreas (Andzej in Polish) Bialek, Barabara Kardys- Sczcepan.
I am looking for the correct Carlous (Karol in Polish) Smyrski as a parent for Joanna Smyrski, I do not see under mother's parents Karol's spouse. One Karol Smyrski is b 1750-d1890, his son Karol is b 1793-1847.
Thank you for any insights and details. I appreciate it, Mattie
yr 1826 rec 37 Andrzej Brudz Marcin Joanna Smyrski Kolbuszowa Kupno
Meilleures réponses
Mattie, this is all the information in this record:
Micr. 008016462 Image 543 of 838
Birth Record No. 37, Kolbuszowa Parish, of Andreas (Andrzej in Polish) Bruc (Brudz?), House No. 95, born in Kupno on the 26th April 1826, baptized on the 27th April 1826, a Catholic, legitimate son of Martinus (Marcin in Polish) Bruc and of Joanna, born Smirski (Smyrski), daughter of Carolus (Karol in Polish) Smirski. Godparents: Andreas (Andrzej) Bialek and Barbara, wife of Stephanus (Stefan) Kardisz.
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Thanks very much. This is a great deal more than I could find from Geneteka. I appreciate it.