Verify place name
I have a translation of They moved to the village Budzidzewice, district Radom on the 22nd July/4 August year 1846. My question is regarding Radom, it looks like Radzenia. Is Radom correct? I only find one Budziszewica in the Tomaszow powiat.
Meilleure réponse
Angela, from what you sent us it looks like: presented himself in village Budziszewice District, born 22nd June/4th July 1846. I attach the copy from Skorowidz Miejscowosci (Polish Gazetteer) year 1934, where in the last column you will find the Parishes, r- Roman-Catholic, e-Evangelical. The second and third column show the county and district towns, the 4th shows Poznan or Warszawa province where those Budziszewice are located. So you will have Rogozno for Evangelical Parish in Poznan province, and Tomaszow Mazowiecki for Evangelical Parish in Warszawa province.