Translation request and military history resource request
Hello All,
My 3x great grandfather was in the military during Napoleon's campaigns. He was eventually awarded the Legion of Honor. I have a 9 page military record for him that has lots of great info. I am specifically interested in the campaigns he was in. Maybe someone could translate this page for me (picture attached) but I am really interested in finding a book or website that tells the history of these campaigns. It needs to be in English. Any recommendations?
Quirin CARRé born 2 march 1767 at Pel-et-Der, departement of AUBE
on 28th april 1793 was fulisier (riffleman)
on 18th march 1803 (= 27 ventôse an 11) was caporal (corporal)
on 3th november 1806 was sergent (sargent?) until the 1st october of 1812
for the "campagnes"
from 28th april 1793 to march 1801 ( not indicated, probably in France)
1806 to 1807 was in italy
in 1809 in sutrai
in 1840,1811,1812 was in Calabria (today in Italy) , in spain
about pel-et-der informations , you can have in english here's in french but some old post-cards , here's you could find informations about Napoléon's campagnes
I have found more information about Quirin Carré on french genealogic site
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Thank you for the translation and links. The postcards are very interesting. I wonder if any of my relatives are pictured in them? In the 1800s, many Carres lived in Pel-et-Der and other near by villages.